hi! welcome to design soup.
i'm mari-jane, but my friends call me mj. i'm the writer. i also like to take pictures, read books, eat food, go to the mountains with my husband and our two mini humans. i have a slight obsession with pumpkin spice lattes and all things fall related.
i started this blog as a way to share my love of interior design and decorating. i believe that a home should feel like the people living in it. a comfortable and functional place to relax, hang out, play, entertain, live and be a family in.
over the last nine years the husband and i have had two kids (both of which we think are pretty awesome) and moved twice, building new homes and designing them along the way. there are many things i've learned, like always do a paint test before you paint an entire room a colour you don't actually like. we've put our diy skills to use on projects in our last home as well as our current one. paint trays, ladders, nail guns, and hammers are some of my favourite weekend companions.
because of my passion for design and decorating, i started the interior decorator extension certificate program at mount royal university. my real job as a middle school teacher, combined with school and our family life, means that things can get a little crazy around here. but that's they way we like it.
want to know more? stick around and have a look.